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Tips on Protein Sparing Fasting

A protein sparing modified fast is a diet that involves the very low content of calorie diet with little proteins, vitamin, and mineral fluids. The diet is supposed to last for a maximum of eight months. The health concerns of psmf include dehydration hence the vitamin mineral and fluids supplementation are mandatory. This is done under the doctor's supervision. Psmf consists of foods that are rich in good quality protein and have extremely low content of fat. They consist of extra lean beef, tuna, egg white, chicken breast, cottage, and ham. There are some programs that have been created from the original psmf and include Dukan diet which involves resistance training to reduce or prevent LBM breakdown and limited to no aerobic exercise. The people on a diet are restricted to walking very few times weekly. A person having complete fasting will produce the largest calorie deficit of any diet. This should be avoided. Use muscle sparing fast will spare the person undergoing the diet the health risk that is accompanied by complete fast. This dietary approach is very efficient in that it prevents muscle wasting effects and at the same time eliminates fats and carbohydrates. This approach depends highly on the activity level, and a range of 0.8 to 1.2 grams per pound of the total lean body mass is taken. A protein that goes above this minimum is also eliminated to increase the effectiveness. Sparing of other lean body mass such as muscle organs are spared through resistance training and the limitation of aerobic activity.


Protein sparing modified fast can be used for this diet since it is a whole food and will lead to better satiety and this has a positive impact on the low amount of calorie diet. Also, casein powder can be recommended as it can slow down the digestion of food. On this diet, low-calorie vegetables can be used to the diet. One should avoid vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates such as potatoes and carrots. Other calorie-free fluids that are allowed include coffee, tea, water and other diet drinks. But the amount of the protein that a person consumes will differ according to the individual.


This amount is calculated based on the person's lean body weight, and adjustment can be done depending on the activity level. Moreover, on the lean protein people on the psmf diet must consume supplements so that you avoid any nutritional deficiencies.  Someone on the PSMF diet requires sodium and potassium minerals in plenty. Due to energetic and hormonal reasons, one should limit the length of doing the PSMF. For further information visit this website about weight loss.

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